

All of what Donald does in the performance of his work as an appraiser, writer and consultant is dependent on his interest, experience and skills as an historian. One of the most vital aspects of the consideration of any object is to be able to place it into a context of its time, makers, users and impact on the genre.

Research has long been a passion of his, from boyhood he found there was no more fascinating activity than reading. This has grown through his life to an enjoyment in diving deep into books, articles, photographs and archival materials to learn as much as possible about each of the automotive objects he inspects, reviews, appraises and judges.

Rather than an accompaniment to the work of valuation or writing, historical research is an end onto itself, a key part of the journey of exploration, learning and enjoyment. It is integral to his efforts for clients in restoration and collection consultation as well as appraisal and curation.